Tidy in Ten - Week 6: Kitchen (Organize)
In a room as frequently visited and used as the kitchen, simple organization improvements go a long way. Continue reading for storage suggestions that may be tackled in just ten minutes or less, but reap the benefits for years to come!
Cooking utensils, measuring cups, measuring spoons
Food storage containers and lids
Water bottles, travel mugs
Cooking oils, favorite spices, baking ingredients
Take on organizing tasks in moments when your energy and motivation are elevated. It's important that you are not already feeling defeated or rushed going into this activity. Otherwise you are likely to have a sub-par effort and end up with a less functional solution. This could create a bad cycle. On the other hand, going into a project optimistic and energized will boost your efforts and the added endorphin rush of a job well-done will continue to push you forward in your day.